Third Row Center: Solo Makes Some Questionable Choices and Goes into Rocky Territory.

So I saw Solo, Directed by Ron Howard and written by Lawrence and John Kasden against the wishes of those who wanted to boycott the movie. Trolls and extremists aside, I found myself again empathizing with them a little, though I am not onboard with a boycott. See it or don't, it's up to you and let the market decide. Overall, my take is that once again, it’s been proven that it’s hard to write a Star Wars movie. By the way, spoilers abide, so don’t read on if you are sensitive to that sort of thing. First what I liked. I love the heist scenes. That was good fun. The movie centers on two different missions to get some very expensive and volatile fuel rods. The scenes, one involving a train, and another which involved the famous “Kessel Run” mentioned in episode IV are when the movie is running on all thrusters. There is a lot of great moments in the initial train heist scene involving pirates, droids, and near-misses. I also welcomed a lot of the actors in this movie ...