Remembering Nick Hornby and a Review of Juliet, Naked

I went to go see “Juliet, Naked” and before anyone thinks I went to a strip club, it’s a movie based on a Nick Hornby novel. Nick Hornby and Bradley Cooper are names I previously could not remember, and now I do which means there is something in my past I have finally let go of. Perhaps it was my first day of school, or some important life lesson in the third grade. Something about the importance of flushing. It’ll come back to me. For the longest time I couldn’t remember Bradley Cooper or Nick Hornby. I kept thinking Bruce Hornsby for Hornby and Bradley Cooper wasn’t being recalled at all. The reason why the block remained so long is that I could just google things like “Silver Linings Playbook” and “Hi Fidelity” and look at their IMDB, and thus I haven’t remembered it without googling until now. Still, that’s just the way it is, some things will never change. - Bruce Hornsby and the Range This means there will be other things to come that I will not remember. New hurdl...