Is Survivor Getting Mean?
Seems to me that lately the bar has been raised on "mean" for Survivor. It probably would not be as obvious to me if I were watching it alone, but watching it with my sister's kids makes every depiction of bad behavior all the more painful to watch. At eight pm on a Thursday, it is kind of family hour and yet we are hearing phrases regarding female dogs and "ghetto trash" thrown around as much as geeks throw around "douchebag" in a flame war about their computer platform preference. You have Russell (the oil company owner) who is trying to prove what? That lying and cheating will get you far in the game, and so far, he has proven himself to be correct. But at what expense? He walks around referring to females as "dumb" until one sizes him up and so she has to be removed because he is threatened by her. Threatened because she is not adhering to his idea of what his alliance should contain: stupid females. Secondly, tonight we had a cha...