Star Wars Fate of the Jedi

Finally finished the third installment of Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi and I have to say I am liking this series.  For those of you unfamiliar with the books, this series takes place after the movies.  What I like about it is that this is really the first time I have felt they have finally made Luke into someone other than a Jedi who sits, studies, and broods about being a Jedi and how you can't act but let things happen "in the force."

There are about three plots going on.  The main one is that Jedi are starting to freak out and might be contracting something similar to a "Force disease" that causes them to view all those around them as "imposters."  In reaction to the Jedi getting violent the Jedi have taken it upon themselves to lock their kind away and try to study and find a cure to the disease.  This does not sit well with the head of the Alliance who is headed by an ex imperial named Daala.

Because of this the Alliance has filed legal penalties against the Jedi, and Luke specifically and as a result Luke is exiled.  Luke and his son Ben though are not sitting on their hands as they trace the footsteps Jacen took in a five year absence following the Vong war.  Jacen went abroad to learn many different techniques and philosophical outlooks regarding the Force and as such came back with some interesting Force powers.  Some of those powers or something else led him down the road of the Dark Side and eventually he too became a Sith.

The third plot is the return of the Sith and their pursuit of Luke and Ben as well as a Sith meditation ship.  They actually came into contact with Luke and Ben in this one and found that Ben and Luke were more than a match for them this time around.

The cool part of this series is that Luke is actually doing something.  He is learning more and experimenting with the Force.  He seems more true to the Luke from the first series of movies than he has ever been before.


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