Laziness, Inefficiency, and Guilt Abide in the Life Creative

I am way too hard on myself, and I bet to an extent, you are too. If you think you can trash talk me, I should share with you the transcripts of some of my daily “self-talk”. If you could see it, you'd probably think to yourself He’s got that angle covered. If you're looking for harsh words or tough love to incite me to action, dream on. Even using such language on myself, it doesn't work. From an early age, I thought of myself as lazy. I’m the kid that wanted to carry seven suitcases at once. My dad called it “the lazy man’s load.” That stuck with me, and every time I tried to bite off too much too fast, I thought of it as lazy. There is a fine line between efficiency and laziness. I have often crossed that line, and there were other times I didn't even enter the arena. I would half-ass things scholastically. I was a B-C level range student. I wrote a paper on A Clockwork Orange without really reading it. I would cram for tests the night before. I wouldn’t cheat,...