Day 1: Dawn

I have a coupleshort stories, one screenplay, and a novel in the works. This I do in addition to my blog, and yet I cannot help but think I am being lazy. Lazy is as lazy does. I have done some source reading for the short story/novels and now all that is left to do, is to do it. Sounds easy, but for a writer sometimes we are weary of messing around too much with what we have written. Just as an artist knows when it is time to leave well enough alone.

Hint about one story is simply this: What would happen if two timeless sci fi stories "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" and "War of the Worlds" were really two parts of the whole. What would happen after the invasions. What would happen also after the Body snatchers had snatched? I will leave that hanging.

I have a screenplay in the works maybe because this story to me is so "visual." Plus I am so new to screenwriting that I need to do this, to wet my chops. I am in Hollywood, after all. But being an affeciando of the movies, I know movie angles, though n ot everything I can learn, and a bit about timing, pacing, etc. I think I can do this. Certainly I think I am easily twice the screenwriter George Lucas is unless he meant for the writing to be stilted and campy...

Anyhow enough for now.


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